Meet the team

The Ted Rogers Real Estate Association is a vibrant and dynamic community of ambitious, hardworking, and highly professional students. Comprising a diverse group of individuals, this organization is a testament to the power of inclusivity in the real estate field. Its members are characterized by their unwavering dedication to excellence, and they bring a wealth of talent and innovation to the table. With a commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, the TRREA offers a platform for students to connect, learn, and collaborate in the pursuit of their real estate aspirations. In this environment, diversity is the catalyst for success, enriching the association with fresh ideas and perspectives, and fostering a supportive community that empowers its members to excel in their real estate careers.

The Team


Fiona Pavlovska



Upper-year advisors

Ganden Gyaltsan

Upper-Year Advisor

Melis Ivanova

Upper-Year Advisor


Corporate Relations

Nitin Sagar

VP of Corporate Relations

Joshua Klomp

Director of Corporate Relations

Kerem Dogan

Director of Corporate Relations

Sophia Park

Corporate Relations Associate

Ben Grahame

Corporate Relations Associate

Daniel Nikolaenko

Outreach Relations Associate

Jasmann Singh Narang

Outreach Relations Associate




IT & Analytics

Zaheeb Rind

Director of IT & Analytics

Marcelo Farez


Daniel Abiodun

Media Productions Associate